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"working with people in social care"

 Patience, good communication skills and sensitivity towards others are what we look for in all our staff, whether supplying to Residential services, supported accommodation or on a one-to-one basis our support workers are dedicated to providing the best possible care.

Man with Down Syndrome Playing Violin


  • To treat our Service Users as individuals

  • To encourage independence

  • To offer choice in all aspects whenever practical & possible

  • To treat our Service Users with dignity

  • Ensure privacy & confidentiality is maintained at all times

  • Endeavour to fully understand our Service User's needs and enable them to lead a fuller life.

  • To ensure that security is never breached

Independent Supported Living    Day Care    Residential Services   Respite/One-to-One 

Bite to Eat

Elite Careplus Staff

Being reliable, conscientious and enjoying supporting others is key to having a rewarding career in care. Please feel free to contact us either online or call our head office.

 We look forward to hearing from you!

Head Office

159 Stafford Road

Wallington | Surrey

 SM6 9BT

Tel: 020 79987860

Out of Off: 0749 6641109 

Leatherhead Branch

35 Bridge Street

Leatherhead | Surrey

KT22 8BN

Tel: 01372 2000 591

Bromley Branch

2nd Floor | Compass House

36 East Street

Bromley | Kent


Tel: 020 8395 7848

Care Quality Commission

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